WFTO-Europe joined the Anti-Poverty Week global observance (11-17 October 2015) with the theme “Break the Chains of Poverty, Be an Agent for Change,” which culminated on 17 October – the UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. WFTO believes that Fair Trade is a tangible contribution to eradicating poverty. The injustices in conventional trade stem from the imbalances of power in the international negotiating table and supply chain. Small, disadvantaged producers are discriminated by large, influential players. The discrimination leaves many producers marginalised and unable to work their way out of poverty. WFTO and its members believe that trade should work for people and the environment, and not at their expense. The 10 Principles of Fair Trade are the fundamental philosophies established by WFTO members to guide their practices. WFTO prescribes these Principles to organisations as a way of fighting against trade injustices, discrimination, and poverty!
Our call was: Break the Chains of Poverty, Be an Agent for Change!
We asked members and friends to…:
- Tell us about your agent for change by using our webapp This agent is responsible for breaking the chains of poverty! (The agent can be a person, organisation, your favourite Fair Trade products, etc). Share your poster on to your social media accounts with the hashtag #FairTradeBreaksPoverty
- Be a Fair Trade Ambassador (Appoint yourself or, if you are shy, get someone you know who can be the Fair Trade Ambassador in your office, church group, community, or school. Someone who can bring Fair Trade to the attention of your group.
- Tell your friends and family that Fair Trade eradicates poverty by helping small, marginalised producers, and by building a sustainable Fair Trade economy!
- Spread Fair Trade through your own social media (#FairTradeBreaksPoverty)
- Participate in local Fair Trade events, World Fair Trade Day, Fair Trade Week, Fair Trade campaigns
- Buy Fair Trade products