Magasins du MondeIn 2013, the “Association Romande des Magasins du Monde” (ASRO, French-speaking Swiss Worldshops Association) launches its two-year campaign for its 40th anniversary. With the theme “Un repas au coin du monde” (A meal at the corner of the World,, the campaign promotes fair trade products and aims to educate the French-speaking Swiss public on issues related to fair trade and to show the added value of the Magasins du Monde. The campaign will culminate in summer 2014 with special events.

Founded in 1974, ASRO is the umbrella structure of French-speaking Switzerland fair trade shops and is recognized as the pioneer of fair trade in the region. The Magasins du Monde promote to consumers fairer trade between North and South and offer a large variety of fair trade products. Its mission encompasses both aspects of selling and informing about fair trade products and includes 39 stores in the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland. Nearly 900 volunteers manage the shops on a daily basis.

Mise en page 1In partnership with certified Swiss and European importers, ASRO shops sell foodstuffs, handicrafts, cosmetics and clothing which meet high economic, social and environmental standards. It also educates consumers on issues related to global commerce through campaigns, publications like the quarterly journal ex aequo (, trainings and media relations. It promotes fair trade as a profitable alternative model for producers and consumers alike with particular emphasis of the integrated supply chain of fair trade.

ASRO is a member of Swiss Fair Trade and the World Fair Trade Organization.

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