See here the programme for the event that was held in Puente Genil February 3, 2011
1. Purpose of Action
The European Union offers the opportunity to make interesting projects in different areas, one of the most attractive is EuropeAid 127766: Coordination and Networking. Its objectives are to achieve more efficient cooperation, foster synergies and facilitate structured dialogue on development issues among state actors and Local Authorities in the EU and neighboring countries (the strengthening of North-North). And the possible actions: information networking and exchange of good practices within and between organizations, dialogue, exchange and interaction of organizations and networks with the EU institutions. It is important to highlight that this relevant project is also supported by the Cordoba County Council.
That Local Authorities and civil society to continue with the work of these synergies from a specific subject area such as Fair Trade is a necessary challenge. Analysis of the applicant and all members showed that cooperation between the Local Authorities (500 Authorities) and the Fair Trade organizations (91 members) is a structured process of cooperation and the potential for synergies is always significant.
Local Authorities that are incorporated into their political agenda and Fair Trade work are seeking ways to deepen knowledge and implement this commitment. The Fair Trade Organizations coordinated by WFTO Europe exemplify a strategy to build synergies and expand the network of partnerships with Local Authorities and EU institutions. This synergy will help improve the impact of Fair Trade, quantitatively and qualitatively, particularly in countries where Fair Trade is less developed. This proposal Includes in as well as new member countries such as Hungary. This will also enable Local Authorities structured collaboration with international cooperation through Fair Trade.
The applicant, the Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity (FAMSI) is part of the Spanish Confederation of Funds for Cooperation (which brings together more than 1,000 Spanish municipalities) and has the responsibility of the Vice President of the Commission on Decentralized Cooperation “European section” in Cities and Local Governments – UCLG, and is networked within other local authority networks internationally and is in the FAL Network, Forum of Local Authorities for Social Inclusion and Participative Democracy. All of these networks will continue to indirectly promote the activities of this initiative (awareness and promotion of Fair Trade).
The project, in short, seeks to create synergies and direct cooperation between Local Authorities and Fair Trade organizations grouped in IFAT/WFTO Europe. It is an opportunity to continue the joint work already being performed, and in addition, has a number of advantages for FAMSI and Local Authorities: building on synergies between Fair Trade organizations and Local Authorities and taking back the achievements of Spain and Italy. Local Authorities in the target countries would gain coherence in its policies and build a close relationship with the social fabric of hundreds of Fair Trade organizations in Europe and their social networks and volunteers. Of course, once initiated, the activities suggested below could also be used for side meetings between local authorities and their strategic partners. You can not ignore the significant impact that these actions can have on developing countries such as promotion of Fair Trade. This will positively and directly generate a multiplier effect on Southern smallholders.
The results of this project include the publication of a Guide on Best Practices:
Best Practices Guide & Manual – English
Best Practices Guide & Manual – French
Best Practices Guide & Manual – Spanish