Fair Trade Organizations
Organizations directly engaged in Fair Trade through their trading activity. To qualify for trading membership, applicants must already be trading and have evidence of sales (domestic, export or both). To qualify for trading membership, income from sales must account for 50% or more of total income. Applications for trading membership cannot be accepted from organizations with no prior sales history.
Fair Trade Networks
Legal entities whose primary function is to serve as national or international associations of Fair Trade producers and/or Fair Trade Organisations.
Fair Trade Support Organizations
Fair Trade Organizations where trading is not the main activity (proportion of trade is less than 50% of total income). These organizations are engaged in Fair Trade indirectly through activities that promote and support Fair Trade. These activities can include business counselling, finance, advocacy or networking.
Associate Organizations
This is a special category for national or international organizations that are interested in supporting and promoting Fair Trade. Donor organizations also fit in this group.
Individual Associates
Individual researchers, writers, consultants and specialists in their field can support WFTO by applying for Associate membership. WFTO expects its individual associate members to be active Fair Trade supporters whose experience and expertise in their own particular field can be of practical benefit to WFTO’s members.