Full members of WFTO can enjoy several benefits, namely the use of the WFTO logo and, for those going through the WFTO Guarantee System, the use of the WFTO product label.
WFTO Product Label
The WFTO Guarantee System (GS) assesses the compliance of Fair Trade Organizations against the WFTO Standard (a set of criteria used to evaluate compliance with the WFTO Fair Trade Principles). Members that have gone through the WFTO Guarantee System will be allowed to use the WFTO Product Label on their products once they have signed a contract with WFTO on how the WFTO Product Label may be used. Note however that this is an organizational label that can go on a product. It does not certify the product, but rather the (Fair Trade) practices of the member organization which produced/sold it.
All trading and non-trading organizations will be authorized to use the WFTO logo (on website, promotional material, etc.) once they have signed a contract with WFTO on how the Logo may be used.
Other Benefits
WFTO members with their headquarters in Europe will also be WFTO-Europe members and will be entitled to:
- Publicize their membership of WFTO and WFTO-Europe
- Actively participate in all activities of WFTO global and WFTO-Europe
- Stand for nomination for and, if elected, serve on both the Global and the WFTO-Europe Boards of Directors and/or by invitation be co-opted to serve on Committees
- Serve on Global and Regional (sub)committees
- Attend the Global and the WFTO-Europe Annual General Meetings (AGM), and the business sessions and workshops preceding it, with authority to speak and to put forward recommendations
- Vote in person or by proxy at the Global and the WFTO-Europe Annual General Meetings
- Resources from the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in Brussels, specifically the services and information which they offer. These include regular surveillance over European trade and development policies, a permanent communication between Fair Trade actors and political decision-makers and promoting a political attitude in the area of Fair Trade and trade justice
- Request the promotion of their Fair Trade-related activities, events and projects in WFTO-Europe’s website, Newsletter and social networks
- Access WFTO Global and WFTO-Europe’s intranet (private Members Section and Ning communication network)