Forum Fairer Handel is the umbrella association of Fair Trade in Germany. Its objective is to sharpen the profile of Fair Trade, accomplish demands against politics and commerce, and to achieve a wider dissemination of Fair Trade. The Forum Fairer Handel understands itself as the political voice of the German Fair Trade movement and advocates fair rules and frameworks for trade and agriculture worldwide. It works in the areas of public relations, awareness raising, campaigning and advocacy. Once a year, Forum Fairer Handel organises the German Fair Trade Fortnight, the biggest activity week of Fair Trade in Germany together with its cooperation partners.
Members of Forum Fairer Handel are organisations which exclusively work in Fair Trade, and actors which regard promoting Fair Trade as one of their central areas of work:
- Weltladen-Dachverband e.V.,
- The following Fair Trade import organisations: GEPA – The Fair Trade Company, EL PUENTE – Die Fair Trade Pioniere, dwp eG Fair-Handels-Genossenschaft (Fair-Trade-Cooperative), BanaFair e.V. and GLOBO – Fair Trade Partner
- Naturland – Verband für ökologischen Landbau e.V.
- as an interim member: Fair-Band – Bundesverband für fairen Import und Vertrieb e.V. (Federal Association for fair imports, and sales and distributions)
Click here to go to Forum Fairer Handel’s website and connect with them on Facebook!