Since its Office opened in Cordoba in 2009, WFTO-Europe has been able to count on many committed members of staff, interns and volunteers, to develop its activities and achieve its goals.
Below is a list of some of them with their testimonials.
In Brussels, Belgium:
NATÁLIA LEAL, Coordinator, Feb. 2012 – October 2013
Natália Leal was the Coordinator of WFTO-Europe’s from February 2012 until October 2013, when the office first moved to Brussels.
“I have truly enjoyed my time at WFTO-Europe and I am certain the European Fair Trade movement will continue to recognise the value of the WFTO-Europe as its voice and hear inside and outside the movement“.
NERTA KAJA, Projects intern, April-July 2013
My name is Nerta Kaja and I am an Intern the WFTO-Europe’s office in Brussels since end of April. My main tasks at th WFTO-Europe are project management, fundraising and communications.
I have a Bachelor Degree in Political Science and International Realtions. I am now completing my Master degree in International Politics and Dipolmacy at University of Padua, Italy. Also I attented one year Master at Sciences Po Paris in Iternational Security. Till now my studies have been focused on International Politics but I am also interested in Sustainable Development.
Fair Trade is a new issue for me and I will be happy to learn more and to promote it!
ANNA BIANCHI, Communications intern, April-June 2013.
My name is Anna Bianchi, I am from Lodi, a small town in the north of Italy and since the beginning of April I am a new intern at WFTO-Europe.
After a Bachelor degree in International Relations obtained at the University of Milan, I am now finishing a Master degree in Human Rights at the University of Padua and this internship is part of my academic path. In the vast area of Human Rights studies my interest is particularly focused on social and economic justice, which I consider a fundamental pillar for the empowerment of all people around the world.
Here at WFTO-Europe my main tasks are in the communication field, I am responsible for the monthly newsletter, the social media and web site management and email queries.
I approached the Fair Trade Movement six years ago when I started volunteering in a FT shop in my own town; there I had the chance to discover this vital reality and I committed to it more and more; now I am glad to have the opportunity to continue and enrich my experience in this field from a different perspective, and through different tasks.
I hope to do my best contributing to help WFTO-Europe and the whole European network in spreading the message of Fair Trade
JULIAN CORDES, Communications intern, January-March 2013.
KRISTYNA MICHKOVA, Membership and Monitoring intern, December 2012-June 2013.
My name is Kristyna and I am a volunteer/trainee for WFTO-Europe since December 2012. My field is Membership and Monitoring which means that I am responsible for management of the incoming membership application requests, management of the SAR and email queries.
I obtained Bachelor degree from Political Science and the European Studies in 2012 and I also recently completed an International Master in European Studies – Policy Advisor and Project Consultant in Brussels. Therefore I wanted to use my knowledge in reality so the opportunity to work for WFTO-Europe afterwards was very tempting and I value this experience a lot in my life.
Since I was in the phase of studying up to now I did not have chance to gain many experience. Nevertheless, In 2011 I was participating in academic project led by students called project EU 2011 “A Crisis of Europe”. The main contribution of this project was to tackle most topical issues within European Union. I personally was hosting the whole project and was in charge of communication with guests.
In 2010 I worked as an intern in Turkey on project called “Myself My World”. This project was made by international non-governmental and non-profit student organisation AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants En Sciences Économiques et Commerciales), where I also worked as exchange student consultant. The main object of this project was to raise educational level in Ankara among high school students, in particular in field of EU – Turkey relationships.
My future goal is to help vulnerable people especially from Africa. By that fair trade is of the best ideas and I am willing to share and disseminate the information about this mission. I am glad that I can supervise whether our members fulfil the criteria of fairtrade principles and to make sure that they help with making our world fairer. I believe that our WFTO-Europe family will expand and would be more than happy to be part of this experience!
MADALINA SERBAN, Projects and Communications assistant, December 2012-May 2013.
ENA ALVARADO MADSEN, Membership and Monitoring volunteer, October 2012-January 2013.
My name is Ena Alvarado Madsen and I was working within the areas of monitoring and membership at WFTO-Europe. I graduated as Anthropologist from the University of Aarhus in 2012. During my studies in Denmark and in Argentina, I have gained interdisciplinary knowledge on international development, globalization and human rights. My master thesis focused on the social movements and the rights of indigenous peoples in Latin America. From my experiences travelling and conducting fieldwork in Latin America, I became aware of the challenges of food production with the realities many rural farmers often face concerning land grabbing, environmental and trade issues.
I obtained insight into fair trade and sustainability issues, as well as related international standards while working as researcher at Fairfood International in Amsterdam, an NGO focused on establishing a sustainable food and beverage industry. I conducted desk research regarding the identification of certification labels, corporate programmes and multi-stakeholder initiatives as sustainable solutions relevant to the food sector. I decided to keep working for the promotion of fair trade and sustainable development and that’s why WFTO-Europe was the perfect place to continue pursuing my professional goal, and at the same time try to contribute in the best possible way to the vision and mission of WFTO.
I was happy to be part of such a dedicated team. I felt very inspired and I did keep learning every day from all expected and unexpected situations!
ISABEL NILSSON, Communications intern, August-December 2012.
VASCO BATISTA, intern, July-October 2012.
And in Córdoba, Spain:
ABEL PEÑA, Projects Officer and WFTO-Europe Coordinator (?-February 2012)
His good-bye words (March 2012):
“Two years ago I began a callenge at the European Office of the World Fair Trade Organization. Personally and professionally was a great experience, not always easy, but very fruitful and appraisable. Thank you very much for give me the opportunity in this period. I came from Bolivia, from a country where the Fair Trade circuit starts then I’m totally convinced with its Principles. Is time to say good bye, was a pleasure work for WFTO Europe. Fair greetings!“