In 2013 Fair Band was founded as a nationwide association of 17 companies all active in the field of fair trade. By the end of 2015 we are 32 members cooperating under the roof of Fair Band.
Our vision is a movement to solidaire, humane and sustainable economic systems allowing all people in this one world to lead a life in dignity.
We understand the work of our association as being an active link between producers and consumers. The respective living conditions, the social and cultural backgrounds of our partners are held in high esteem, considered in our trade structures and are clearly explained to consumers of our products. This results in a lively, discerning and confidence creating exchange of all participants involved in Fair Trade.
As an interest group for fair importers and traders we offer a transparent, dynamic and complex platform to the Fair Trade movement in Germany. With our work we contribute to the development of the Fair Trade movement as well as ensuring its quality and standards. We can contribute with the experience of our members and their knowledge accumulated over decades in fair trade partnerships to the production, product development, import, distribution as well as to development education. Our work implies institutional and economical help to new and young fair traders and we bring different protagonists of the Fair Trade movement together in various events.
With our monitoring system, especially with the public dialogue, which is compulsory for all our members we create transparency that is greatly recognized by many Fair Trade activists throughout Germany.
Click here to go to Fair Band’s website!