The Associazione Botteghe del Mondo is a network of 70 cooperatives and associations in Italy, running 150 point of sales, since 1991.
It is a point of reference for all the Italian world shops, helping them to be also cultural and political organizations. The Italian World Shop Association:
- organizes and promotes Tuttaunaltracosa, the Italian Fair Trade Fair and Tuttounaltrocampo, an international youth education camp, since 1994;
- provides logistic services and conventions for our members (Banca Etica, Mag, Livecom) fund raising and project management services (in collaboration with members and local partners);
- performs lobbying actions in Italian national and regional political councils, together with Agices and Fairtrade Italia and support new (and small) fair trade realities;
- organizes seminars and meetings in collaboration with schools, universities and local authorities;
- promotes at national level, events/fairs on sustainable development and advocacy activities;
- promotes awareness and boycott campaigns in national content (free water, clean clothes campaign, arms control, stop TTIP campaign);
- manages a fair trade community with thousands of friends sharing interests, thoughts and initiatives;
- promotes international campaigns for the World Fair Trade Day through Facebook and Twitter and its newsletter.
Click here to go to Associazione Botteghe del Mondo’s website, as well as here for the second website they manage.