RDV Products is a company specialized in the production, importation/exportation and distribution of organic and natural products from Brazil and the Amazon. In 2004, Rémi Denecheau, founder of RDV Products, falls in love with Brazil and the richness of its biodiversity and its people. During the shooting of the film “The Heirs of Guarana”, when he finds himself in direct contact with indigenous peoples, he little by little discovers a community of producers respectful of the environment, striving for the preservation of the biodiversity and for the maintenance of their culture. This is how the story of RDV Products began!
Initially, the company’s activities were focused on the production of organic Guarana, in partnership with the Agrofrut producers’ cooperative in Urucará, Amazonas. It was through their joint efforts that Agrofrut and RDV Products obtained their first organic certification, which was the result of months of work to add value to a product of the highest quality. Over time, the projects and the activities of the company were extended to other Brazilian cooperatives and products, such as Brazilian ginseng, Acai, Acerola, Mate, medicinal plants, among others.
RDV Products provides ongoing support to producer cooperatives. Thanks to its commitment to various socioeconomic and environmental actions, the company has been able to implement many projects that fulfill its mission to offer quality products that respect people and nature.
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Equitable objectives aimed by the company within the next 3 years are the certification of new products, the establishment of Fair Trade certifications in all organic sectors, the continuous improvement of internal and external quality, and the structuring of the productive chains and the sectors in which the company operates in Brazil through projects cofinanced by development programs.
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