
The Spanish Fair Trade Platform (CECJ) is the leading Spanish collective of organizations working to promote fair trade. The Platform gathers 29 organisations involved in fair trade and responsible consumption, being our mission to transform the economic and social environment to build a fairer and sustainable society based on initiatives of Fair Trade.

To organising the dialogue between actors and institutional representation, the Spanish Fair Trade Platform has worked with the development sector, to promote fairer and more balanced north/south relations. Founded in 1996, the organization develops numerous research, consulting, education and social mobilization programs to promote

Responsible Consumption in the public and private sector.  The Spanish Fair Trade Platform also leads multiple actions in order to raise awareness among consumers and support fair trade in Spain and all over the world.

Our mission is to transform the social and economic environment to build a fairer and sustainable society based on initiatives of Fair Trade, so we and all our members are committed to act in compliance with basic rights in favour of more equity and respect for Human Beings and environment in world trade relations.

Click here to go to CECJ’s website and connect with them on Facebook and Twitter!

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