The WFTO Guarantee System (GS) is a revolutionary Fair Trade system that is credible, simple, and sustainable. In 2011, the membership of the WFTO decided to develop a new type of Fair Trade system that is credible yet affordable, especially for small producers, and sustainable to meet the ever growing demand for a more trustworthy Fair Trade recognition scheme in the international market.

Developed by various experts in the field of Fair Trade certification, credibility, sustainability and robustness of the system were the major issues in the development of the Guarantee System. To achieve these three criteria, the Guarantee System has five major components: new membership admission procedure, self-assessment, monitoring audit, peer visit, and the Fair Trade Accountability Watch (FTAW). The FTAW is a participative monitoring mechanism that allows the public to report compliance issues regarding guaranteed Fair Trade Organisations.

The Guarantee System is also a development tool for organisations to improve their supply chain practices. Adopting all the components would allow organisations to be more competitive and responsive to evolving markets thereby increasing their market access.

The Guarantee System is not a product certification system, but an assurance mechanism that Fair Trade is implemented in the supply chain and practices of the organisation. To learn more about the system, kindly read the handbook here.


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