WFTO-Europe’s AGM 2016 was held on the 21st of June via Go to meeting (online).
Please find here the AGM document package:
1. Call for WFTO-Europe 2017 AGM
2. WFTO-Europe_AGM_2016_minutes
3. WFTO-Europe_Annual_Report 16-17
4. Supporting documents for AGM 2017
5. Accounts and Balance 2017 / EN
5(a). Accounts and Balance 2017 / FR
8. Election of Board of Directors WFTO-Europe 2017 (Invitation and Rules)
8(a). Election of Board of Directors WFTO-Europe 2017 (Support Letter for Candidates)
8(b). Election of Board of Directors WFTO-Europe 2017 (Application Form)
9. Proxy form rules WFTO-Europe – AGM 2017
10. Feedback to Members and Global WFTO-Europe 2017
11. Bylaws WFTO-Europe (as amended by AGM 2015)
12. WFTO-Europe Constitution / FR (as amended by AGM 2013)
13. WFTO-Europe Constitution / EN (as amended by AGM 2013)
14. 2018 WFTO-Europe Regional fees
15. Voting authorization letter