WFTO-Europe’s AGM 2016 will be held on the 12th of November in Dehli.
Please find here the AGM document package:
2. WFTO-Europe AGM 2017 draft minutes
3. Action Plan
4. 2017 Election Board of Directors WFTO-Europe (invitation and rules)
4a. 2017 Election Board of Directors WFTO-E (Support Letter for Candidates)
4b. Election Board of Directors WFTO-E (Application Form)
5. Proxy form – rules – WFTO Europe 2017 AGM
6. 2017 WFTO-Europe AGM feedback
7. Bylaws WFTO-Europe (as amended by the AGM 2015)
8. WFTO-Europe Constitution FR (as amended by 2013 AGM)
9. WFTO-Europe Constitution EN (unofficial translation- as amended by 2013 AGM)
10. Voting authorization letter